Monday, October 22, 2012

Flip Flops in the ER

We had a very eventful weekend in the Hunt House.  Hayleigh and Halsey both had friends over Friday night.  It was a lot of fun and everyone got along really well...well, maybe Hayleigh and Halsey could have been nicer to each other.  Hayleigh and her friend went to a birthday party Saturday morning, so my mom and step dad took Haddon, Halsey, and her friend to a volleyball game.  I have to take a minute and just say thanks to my mom and my grandma.  Harley and I don't know what we would do without them.  They are never too busy to help with the girls.  Almost every day Haddon asks to go to Memaw's house, and she always wants Granny to pick her up from Jeannie's.  We are just so blessed to have so many people that love our girls.  I don't know how parents raise kids away from family.  I hope my girls don't move too far away so we can be the kind of grandparents they are! 

This brings me to Saturday afternoon around 4:00pm.  Harley had just got home from his class, a little early thank goodness.  Halsey had gone home with her friend Rayleigh to play for a little longer.  Hayleigh and Haddon had gone up to the barn with Harley to milk the cow and feed the baby cows.  I was dozing on the couch in the first peaceful moment I had had in a while.  My phone rings, Rayleigh's mom Mandy says "I think Halsey just broke her arm."  After she convinced me it wasn't a joke (and I could hear Halsey crying) I was out the door in about 30 seconds.  I drove by the barn and told Harley what was happening.  I went on to meet Mandy in the high school parking lot to take Hals on to the emergency room.  Harley would come up when he got everything finished and the girls dropped off.  Hayleigh decided she wanted to come up to the hospital because she was worried. 

I don't do well with broken bones, or even the idea of broken bones, but I did look very quickly at Halsey's arm and it was obvious something was not right.  When we arrived at the emergency room it was very crowded.  We checked in and they actually got us through triage fairly quickly.  A crying 6 year old might have helped move things along.  Luckily x-ray was free so they took her back after about 10 minutes.  They asked me to leave the room - I know it was because of the radiation or whatever it is that does the x-ray, but I was glad because it was very painful for her and I was starting to tear up a bit.  The x-ray tech told the nurse with her back to me that she needed to get in a room.  I took that as confirmation that it was broken.  The only problem was that there was not an open room, but they stuck us in a triage room so we didn't have to sit out in the waiting room.

The nurse gave Halsey and IV and then gave her some pain medicine.  She actually fell asleep in the wheelchair while we were waiting for a room.  Harley and Hayleigh made it up about this time.  We waited about 20 minutes until they took us back - through a back entry. I think we bypassed some people who had been waiting much longer than us.  Things went pretty quickly from there. 

Long story short - she dislocated her elbow and as it moved, part of the connectors broke off too.  They have a technical term, but I don't remember what they are.  Anyway, the orthopedic doctor reset her elbow and took another x-ray.  The piece that broke off did not move back, so he wrapped her with a splint and we will go see him on Thursday for her hard cast.  She will need to wear that for about two weeks.  They put her out for the resetting process.  She was funny coming out of the medicine.  I took a little bit of video - Halsey has enjoyed watching it and laughing at herself. 

Here are some of the pictures I took after everything was done.  You can almost see her getting better and better as the medicine wore off!  

 Hayleigh was worried about her sister.  As much as they fight, they really do love and care for each other.  Haddon was very attentive when we picker her up too.  Although she did jump on Halsey's arm yesterday. 

She walked out of the ER on her own.  A little pale and queezie, but pretty good overall.  Things have gone pretty well at home.  She has rested fairly well, and did not complain much about pain today.  I kept her home just for an extra day of rest and to see how her pain would be.  She will be back at school tomorrow. 

Her friend Rayleigh called her yesterday to check on her.  They talked for about 20 minutes - I think they hung up on each other a couple of times...funny girls.  I have to say thanks to Rayleigh's mom too.  I know she feels bad because it happened at their house, but I am grateful to her.  They always take care of Halsey when she's there.  The only other time I teared up during this whole thing is when I could tell Mandy was tearing up about it.  I don't want her to feel responsible at all.  I'm surprised no one has been hurt at our house, and it could have happened anywhere.  Anyway, we love them and if it didn't happen here, I'm glad it was there just because they do take such good care of her.  

That's all for now!  This was a much longer post that I thought it would be.  Thanks for reading.  Hope everyone has a great week!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

It's Not Quite Time to Put the Flip Flops Away

It is still prime flip flop weather in Northwest Arkansas.  In fact, there has only been one day since school started that I have worn regular shoes to school.  That was low thirties in the morning and didn't get much higher than the low sixties.  We are back to perfect weather this week though.  I surely have a good four to six weeks of flip flop wearing time left!

Lots of stuff has been going on in our family.  Harley is in the last weeks of a law enforcement class he has to take for his job as Fire Marshall.  It has been tough.  Class meets every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday nights until 9:30 and then all day Saturday until 5:30.  It stinks,  the girls miss him, I miss him, he misses us.  It's almost over though...we can make it two more weeks.

So add in Harley being gone a lot with me being in grad school, Homecoming last week, and all the girls activities...all I can say is thank goodness for my mom and grandma!  They never hesitate to help me when I need it, even when it is not convenient for them.  I know they have even changed their plans just so they could help me with the girls.  I try to tell them thank you as much as possible, but it does not seem like near enough.  They would never ask for anything more either.  

Anyway - here are a couple pictures of the decorations we did for the Homecoming Pep Rally.  This was basically my Thursday night.  I wish I would have taken more pictures of the stuff that went on Friday.  

Hayleigh's 3rd grade had their musical a couple of weeks ago too.  It was awesome.  The focus was character traits, and it was just really fun to watch.  Hayleigh actually had a small solo part that she surprised us with.  That's her waving at me from the second row after the performance.
 Mom and I also took the girls to the zoo one Saturday when Harley was at class.  We had a great time!

I am also one week in to a low carb diet.  It has not been as bad as I remember, but it is early!  I have not lost much weight, if any, but I'm hopeful I will see some results soon.  I have not cheated yet either, which is pretty good for me.  Pinterest has been a great resource for low carb recipes and things.  Here's a shot of my Low Carb board:
Probably the biggest thing to wrap my head around is that this is a long term thing.  It is a change I will have to make and stick to in order to be successful.  At the moment I think I can do to me next week and see if I'm still there though! 

Well, that's all for now - It's late and I have a big day at school tomorrow.  It never seems to settle down, which is a good thing, but a bad thing too.  I'm ready for the overwhelmed, not enough time in the day feeling to ease off a bit. 

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Flip Flops Need Pretty Toes

Flip Flops do need pretty toes.  I try to keep mine looking good, especially in the spring and summer, but sometimes it is hard to find the time for proper upkeep.  My problem is probably that I like short toenails.  I cut mine too often and it messes up the paint.  I cut them yesterday, and now I feel I need a pedicure more than ever.  I probably won't have time to get one any time soon, and I never remember to just paint them myself.  I have three girls - we have tons of paint polish (as they call it) around the house. 

While I think flip flops need pretty toes, I'm not so vain that I wont' wear them because my toes don't look perfect.  I think it's funny that you can see Harley's feet too, although he does not go without shoes and socks - ever!  He is kicked back in his recliner.

Here are some other pictures I've taken recently.  I've probably shared some of them on Instagram.
Halsey's BFF Rayleigh pulling on one of her loose teeth.  Halsey has pulled every one of the teeth she has lost.  She somehow gets them out sooner than they should be probably because there is usually lots of blood involved.

 We recently bought Hayleigh a horse.  His name is Cody.  She has always wanted a horse.  She has been taking riding lessons for almost a year now, and still has some things to learn and some confidence to grow, but she does pretty good. 
 This is Hayleigh and Haddon waiting for gymnastics to start. 

 I think I have talked about our baby bull calves.  We have six Holstein bull calves that we got from a friends dairy.  They are so cute and sweet, but they require lots of attention.  Harley gets up at 5 am every morning to milk the nurse cow and then he feeds the calves the milk in buckets.  Then, he does the same thing over again when he gets home from work.

I have had a couple of turns milking, although I have mostly just played with the babies.  The girls love them too.  They are wild when they are hungry.  They will suck on anything - legs, clothes, elbows, whatever they can get a hold of. 

 Took these pictures on Saturday as we had a lazy afternoon.  The girls had spent the night with Harley's parents because it was our 16th Anniversary.  They were pooped and we just lounged around and watched a movie.  Halsey got on Photo Booth and took several funny pictures. 

I took this picture on the way to church this morning.  The sunrise was so pretty.  The power lines kind of get in the way, but it is still pretty. 

Well, that's all for now.  We have a very busy week this week.  Like most of my teacher friends, we have parent teacher conferences this week on Tuesday and Thursday.  I have a workshop in Tulsa on Wednesday, gymnastics, 4H, the list goes on.  On top of all that, Harley is in a class for several weeks that meets every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday night until 9:30 and every Saturday from 8 to 5:30.  Guess who will be getting more practice milking the cow?  This girl! 

Hope everyone has a great week! Thanks for reading!

Sunday, September 16, 2012

There's Flip Flops on Pinterest

I love the weekends!  I have had a great day today.  The weather, even with the rain, has been great!  I love the cooler temps - I'm a long sleeve Tshirt/sweat pants kind of girl.  We played with the baby calves, did a little laundry and cleaning, and just had a great day.  I even had some time this afternoon to go grocery shopping by myself.  It was great!  The girls have had a great day too.  Halsey is still celebrating her weekend! 

On to the purpose of this post: :)
I have spent a lot of time on Pinterest lately.  I signed up several months ago but never really took the time to get into it, and you know really I don't have anything else to do.  :)  There are so many neat ideas for all kinds of things.  I started looking at school counseling things - it is a great tool for educators to share ideas.  I have found many things that have inspired me to "copy" and try with my students. 

I have also found lots of great recipes I want to try.  Harley and I are going to attempt to eat low carb starting here in a couple of days.  I am a little worried because I love bread, ice cream, and other sugary foods.  We have to do something though because I know I feel like my eating is out of control lately.  I lost 30 pounds in the spring before vacation and half of that has crept back on while I sat and watched...and ate junk.  I hate for all the work and money I spent to go down the drain in a couple of months.  My new clothes are not gonna fit much longer.  I'm tired of spending money on diet programs too.  I've basically done everything short of surgery, and believe me I would have had it by now if I could.

I kind of have a joke about why I like flip flops so much:  It doesn't matter my size, my flip flops always fit.  I can keep my toes looking good, even if my rear end and tummy do not. lol!  It may be a skewed view of reality, but it works for me!  Yellow Box actually has a Pinterest Board as well.

Anyway, here is a link to my Pinterest Boards:
This is what it looks like:

I hope to add more soon.  You can find almost anything imaginable there.  It's a neat way to connect with friends and see the kinds of things they like and are interested in.  I really want to try that detoxifying bath - sounds like it could be the next blog post!

Hope everyone has a great week!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Most People Don't Square Dance in Flip Flops

We have made it through another Labor Day Weekend in Prairie Grove.  The Clothesline Fair is kind of a big deal around here.  It is one of my most favorite things about being from Prairie Grove.  I have tons of great memories that surround this weekend - square dancing, craft booths, family, sweating, working, etc.  I also love that my girls are becoming part of this tradition.

While I love the weekend and the memories I also love when it is over.  It is such a great feeling to be done with it for another year.  It's like checking something off the list.  The girls are already asking when they can square dance again.  I hope they always want to do it.  Hayleigh finished her 5th year of dancing and Halsey her 4th.  Next year I hope to find a group for Haddon.   The thought of three girls, three groups, three practices a week, three dresses, three shoes, three can cans can be a bit overwhelming.   I would never not let them do it if they wanted to just because I didn't want to mess with it.  For me, it's worth it and I try not to complain too much about it because I deep down I do really love it.

Here are a few pictures from the weekend! 

Haddon enjoyed the snow cones!

Halsey and Hayleigh during the parade - they enjoyed throwing candy!

Haddon after the parade - she had a sucker and two handfuls of Tooty Rolls (as she calls them)
 Halsey and Ropers and Ribbons
 Hayleigh with the Sooie Swingers
I enjoyed a snow cone or two myself :)

It was great fun!  We enjoyed our extra day off - the Clothesline Fair Recovery Day - and we are back in the swing of things.  It's the long haul until Thanksgiving break at this point.  Time is going to fly by I'm sure.  Hopefully I will post again soon....but I can't make any promises!

Thanks for reading!

Thursday, July 19, 2012

It's Like Deja Vu All Over Again

Well, history has repeated itself with me and this blog.  I have not posted an update since January.  I've thought about it a few times since then, but have not acted.  I'm not sure what is different about tonight, why am I posting now?  After all this time?  Who knows?  Anyway, here it goes...My Life in Flip Flops since January!  Hopefully I won't wait seven months before doing it again!

A few big things have happened so far in 2012.  We took our first vacation in six, yes six, years.  It was also our first "family" vacation.  I vowed after Harley and I went to Hawaii six years ago that I would not leave the girls for more than a couple days.  It was too hard to leave and too hard to be away.  Anyway, we went to Perdido Key, Florida and it was fantastic!  The girls did great on the drive and we had such a wonderful week.  I actually teared up a little as we pulled away to come home.  Here are a few pictures:

I really could go on and on about how great it was!  I have so many great moments to remember.  It's a shame we can't live our everyday life like we are on worries, no place to be, no jobs, etc.  I hope we can go back some day.  By the way, I only packed flip flops for my feet! :)

My 20th High School Reunion was this last weekend.  It was awesome to see some old, er, I mean, long time friends.  I think I will talk more about this in another post, so I won't say too much right now.  It was great though!

I am almost done with the classes I am taking for my School Counselor certification.  I had a great first year in my new job.  I love my school - the kids, the teachers, everything and everyone!  That might be another post coming soon as well.  I have come across some really great blogs that other school counselors do.  It inspires me to maybe start another blog about school counseling.  Although, I probably would never update that one either.   I am grateful for professional people who are willing to share resources and help others become better at their job!

We had a really good garden this year.  Harley always does a great job.  I am never really much help to him, although this year I have helped more than ever.  I took this picture of Haddon helping us put up the corn.  We took most of it off the cob and loaded it into foodsaver bags for the freezer.  She is too darn cute for her own good!  We have got tomatoes out the wazoo too!  They are going bad before we can do anything with them!

We also finally bought a nurse cow and an couple of calves.  We are enjoying them this summer.  The momma cow, named Callie, will eat out of our hands now.

Well, that is probably enough for right now.  I'll leave you with a verse that has hit home today: Proverbs 22:6 - Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.  This is our hope for our girls - that they will grow up to be good people that honor the Lord.  This is probably material for another post as well.  Long story, hard night for one of our kiddos.

Thanks for reading and have a great weekend!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Happy New Year

Well I hope everyone has had a great 2012 so far.  Our year started out with finishing up the last few days of our Christmas Break.  I do have to say though I have no idea where last week went.  It flew by.  I did thoroughly enjoyed my time with the girls at home those two weeks.  Haddon and I spent lots of time in the mornings cuddling and tickling before Hayleigh and Halsey got up.  Here is a picture of us one morning.  Well, I guess technically that's a picture of Haddon and my chins.
Anyway - it was nice and I definitely missed it this morning.  We started back to school today.  It was a pretty crazy day, especially first thing.  I think the computers were still on break, because it took a couple of hours to get mine up and running the way it should.  The day went by pretty quickly though.  I inhaled my lunch at my desk about 2pm.   

I am betting that the entire month of January is going to fly by as well.  We are pretty busy for sure.  My classes start next week.  I'm both excited and dreading it.  I'm taking two classes again, so it should keep me on my toes.  I like the free time in the evenings, but I love school work.  I know, I'm a nerd.  Hayleigh and Halsey are both doing Upward every Saturday until the middle of February.  Colors Day is coming up, and no telling what else will transpire to make me look back and say where did January go?  

Well, I hope everyone has a great rest of week.  I'm already looking forward to a nap Saturday afternoon.  I hope it can happen! :)