Tuesday, October 16, 2012

It's Not Quite Time to Put the Flip Flops Away

It is still prime flip flop weather in Northwest Arkansas.  In fact, there has only been one day since school started that I have worn regular shoes to school.  That was low thirties in the morning and didn't get much higher than the low sixties.  We are back to perfect weather this week though.  I surely have a good four to six weeks of flip flop wearing time left!

Lots of stuff has been going on in our family.  Harley is in the last weeks of a law enforcement class he has to take for his job as Fire Marshall.  It has been tough.  Class meets every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday nights until 9:30 and then all day Saturday until 5:30.  It stinks,  the girls miss him, I miss him, he misses us.  It's almost over though...we can make it two more weeks.

So add in Harley being gone a lot with me being in grad school, Homecoming last week, and all the girls activities...all I can say is thank goodness for my mom and grandma!  They never hesitate to help me when I need it, even when it is not convenient for them.  I know they have even changed their plans just so they could help me with the girls.  I try to tell them thank you as much as possible, but it does not seem like near enough.  They would never ask for anything more either.  

Anyway - here are a couple pictures of the decorations we did for the Homecoming Pep Rally.  This was basically my Thursday night.  I wish I would have taken more pictures of the stuff that went on Friday.  

Hayleigh's 3rd grade had their musical a couple of weeks ago too.  It was awesome.  The focus was character traits, and it was just really fun to watch.  Hayleigh actually had a small solo part that she surprised us with.  That's her waving at me from the second row after the performance.
 Mom and I also took the girls to the zoo one Saturday when Harley was at class.  We had a great time!

I am also one week in to a low carb diet.  It has not been as bad as I remember, but it is early on...lol!  I have not lost much weight, if any, but I'm hopeful I will see some results soon.  I have not cheated yet either, which is pretty good for me.  Pinterest has been a great resource for low carb recipes and things.  Here's a shot of my Low Carb board:
Probably the biggest thing to wrap my head around is that this is a long term thing.  It is a change I will have to make and stick to in order to be successful.  At the moment I think I can do it...talk to me next week and see if I'm still there though! 

Well, that's all for now - It's late and I have a big day at school tomorrow.  It never seems to settle down, which is a good thing, but a bad thing too.  I'm ready for the overwhelmed, not enough time in the day feeling to ease off a bit. 

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